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Benefits of membership

To be a member enables you to be part of the team learning about and contributing to the safeguarding of Pukekura Park's special nature.


The group meets socially throughout the year at the twice monthly guided walks and monthly get together evenings with a guest speaker, enlighten us on related topics. An annual print newsletter is distributed and monthly newsletters informing of events is emailed out to members


Some volunteers do hands-on work in park,  the Gables gardeners, the asparagus fern weeders, the King Fern gully helpers to name a few.


Raising funds 

Plant sales have raised funds for new gates on Brooklands Drive, to prevent vehicle access as appropriate.

The Friends of Pukekura Park charges a modest annual subscription for membership.  This ensures that members are notified of walks, meetings and other gatherings and matters of interest via email, Facebook and the website. Join us here


The buggy service provides a reliable income through the summer months and the annual spring plant sale attracts both members and public interest and custom.



Pukekura – Living Science material for teachers

Become a Friend of Pukekura Park

Membership Application/ Renewal

(One subscription per household)

I/we wish to join/renew our membership for Friends of Pukekura Park Inc for the

1 Feb 2025 – 31 Jan 2026 year. The subscription of $20 is due before 28 February 2025.

Please confirm your preferred method of contact
Are you able to join the volunteers?

Please pay by internet banking to: 

Account name : Friends of Pukekura Park New Plymouth Incorporated

TSB Acc # 15 3953 0539316 01 (Include your names)

Or post your cheque and contact details to

The Treasurer

Friends of Pukekura park Inc

P O Box 484

New Plymouth 4340


To allow internet payments to be reconciled, please also email the Friends at to tell us you have paid, stating your name, the amount and the date paid.

Many thanks and welcome to the Friends – we hope to see you on our walks and at our evening meetings.

Alison Pitman


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